
Noteworthy Lloyd’s of London Injunction

February 26, 2024
February 26, 2024

The word and phrases “Lloyd’s,” “Lloyd’s of London,” “Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s of London,” are famous marks protected by the Lanham Act. They may only be used by their owner, the Corporation of Lloyd’s, which provides the premises in which that insurance market operates and oversees the trading that takes place through that market.  

A Texas public adjuster, Eric Ramirez, has been enjoined by the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, from operating a business using the word and phrases “Lloyd’s,” “Lloyd’s of London,” “Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s of London,” and other phrases that may lead to confusion with actual Lloyd’s of London. Pursuant to a February 12, 2024, joint motion and permanent injunction, Ramirez will refrain from using those words and phrases going forward. To read the injunction, click here.

In issuing the injunction, the court noted that Ramirez’s “actions are causing actual confusion and interfering with policyholders submitting claims and their insurers receiving notice of claims.” Insurers and policyholders must be aware of the potential that Ramirez may have unscrupulously and fraudulently used those terms in dealings with them, intentionally creating misunderstandings in the insurance market.

Questions may arise as to whether entities engaged in the insurance market are in fact what they appear to be due to misleading names. Chartwell Law attorneys are available to answer questions regarding the implications of this injunction and the confusion caused by the trademark infringement found in this case. Please do not hesitate to contact us.